Cyber Security Blogs and Discussions

This section will cover my blogs, discussions, and news around anything Cyber Security. 

Information Security Evolution - Blog - 6/19/24

Let's talk about how information security has evolved over the last decade! 

Information security has transformed into Cyber Security, making data one of the most valuable assets. But even in 2024, with AI and advanced tech, millions of customers' data are still being lost.

The Evolution from Information Security to Cyber Security

  • 2014: Focused primarily on protecting information in physical and digital forms. Companies were starting to recognize the importance of securing their data but often lacked comprehensive strategies.

  • 2024: The term "cybersecurity" encompasses a broader range of protections against digital threats, reflecting the interconnectedness of modern technology. With the advent of AI, machine learning, and advanced encryption techniques, cybersecurity has become a specialized field.

The Rise of Data as a Valuable Asset

  • 2014: Data was important but not always treated as a critical asset. Many organizations didn't fully understand the potential value or the risks associated with data breaches.

  • 2024: Data is now considered one of the most valuable commodities. Companies leverage big data for insights, decision-making, and competitive advantage. The black market for stolen data has grown, driving up the cost and making data protection more crucial than ever.

Current Challenges Despite Advanced Technologies

  • AI and Advanced Tech: While AI and machine learning have introduced new methods for detecting and preventing cyber threats, they have also given rise to sophisticated attacks. Cybercriminals use AI to automate attacks, making them faster and harder to detect.
  • Persistent Data Breaches: Despite technological advancements, data breaches continue to occur. In 2024, companies still face challenges such as:
  • Complexity of Systems: As systems become more complex, securing them becomes more difficult.

  • Human Error: Humans are and will always be the weakest link to any Security model. Many breaches are still due to human error, such as poor password management or phishing attacks.

  • Resource Constraints: Not all organizations can afford state-of-the-art security measures, leaving them vulnerable.

Comparing 2014 to 2024 Security


  • Basic firewalls and antivirus software were common.
  • Encryption was used but not as widespread.
  • Awareness of cyber threats was growing but not universal.


  • Advanced threat detection systems, including AI and machine learning.
  • Pervasive use of encryption for data in transit and at rest.
  • Greater emphasis on security awareness training for employees.
  • Regulatory frameworks and compliance requirements are more stringent, driving better practices across industries.

Despite significant advancements in technology and awareness, the cyber security landscape continues to be a battleground. Organizations must remain vigilant, continuously adapt, and invest in robust security measures to protect their data and maintain trust with their customers.